Smart Express Same day Delivery Service

Alert Level 4 Update Smart Express Movers Essential Service Provider Residential Customers

This is our latest website update to explain our service availability over the next 7 day lockdown period that comes into effect at 23.59 17 August 2021.

What is an essential service?

One of the challenging issues for many businesses has been in interpreting what is an essential service. Overnight the Government gave further guidance as to what were considered essential services and could remain open. They have also said this will likely change over the coming days.

MBIE deputy chief executive Paul Stocks said: “Only the businesses absolutely essential to ensure the necessities of life, like supermarkets and pharmacies, can stay open. If in doubt, the business should be closed.”

It is clear that the transport sector is approved to provide Essential Services only, pertaining to the necessities of life, such as medical supplies, the supply of foods, pharmaceutical goods and the like.

It is clear however that it does NOT extend to furniture deliveries and house moves nor any other non essential products or services.

The Government has been clear with it’s intent. The country is going into LOCKDOWN down to beat this virus and all steps need to be taken. We are sympathetic to the many people who had house moves planned for dates after the lockdown deadline. While this is unfortunate, there is a bigger picture to consider.

It has been very unhelpful that some other service providers had advice to some people that due a planned property settlements, that moves will still be able to be completed after the lockdown period. We are, and were always of the opinion that your health, and the health of our staff and all of our customers must come first at this time.

We must do all we can to protect the spread of the virus and the possible impact to the health and wellbeing of all New Zealanders, even if this goes against the very core of our customer ethos of always saying yes to our customers.

We’re ready to help where and when we can.

None of us know what is around the corner and what may change in the coming weeks. For this reason Smart Express Management has made the decision to keep all our phone lines and emails attended to from 7am to 7pm 7 days a week throughout the entire lockdown period.

Please be assured that while we are not able to do any non essential deliveries, we’re here to help those in genuine need, and those wishing to make delivery and house move arrangements for after the lockdown has been lifted. Best wishes to you all over the coming weeks. These are very unusual times.

Smart Express Management Team

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Open 7 Days 7am to 7pm

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